The daily gossip: Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez break up again, and more

5 top pieces of celebrity gossip — from George Lucas' upcoming nuptials to Tom Selleck's proposed continuation of the Three Men and a Baby franchise
1. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez break up again
Congratulations, Beliebers: Justin Bieber is reportedly back on the market, after his seventh or eighth breakup with Selena Gomez over the past two months. (We've officially lost track.) The star-crossed lovers reportedly split again shortly before New Year's Eve, which they had originally planned to spend together in Mexico. "They keep breaking up and getting back together. It's an on-again, off-again relationship," says a source at the New York Daily News, describing at least 70 percent of teenage couples.
2. George Lucas is engaged
All is not tragic in the world of celebrity relationships: The Associated Press reports that a short time ago, George Lucas proposed to longtime girlfriend Mellody Hobson, who agreed to marry Lucas even though he's responsible for both Ewoks and Jar Jar Binks. Star Wars fans can presumably look forward to a re-edited, re-mastered cut of the couple's wedding tape using the latest state-of-the-art technology sometime in 2043.
3. Hulk Hogan refiles lawsuit over sex tape, reminding everyone that he was in a sex tape
If you'd finally managed to forget that a sex tape starring former wrestling superstar Hulk Hogan was leaked in October, Hulk Hogan is here to remind you. After dropping his lawsuit against Gawker, which originally posted a clip from the tape, TMZ reports that Hulkamaniac has refiled the case — perhaps because he couldn't convince them to settle it in the ring.
4. Nicki Minaj is still worried about being cool
You might think that earning a Platinum record and also setting a record for consecutive singles on the Billboard 200 would settle any questions about whether a person is "cool" — but in the case of Nicki Minaj, you'd be wrong. "Sometimes you are afraid of being too famous because it's almost, like, is that even cool?" said Minaj, explaining her reluctant decision to become an American Idol judge, in an interview at The Hollywood Reporter. "I'm still surprised that I decided to do it." Minaj's reported $12 million paycheck may have been a tiny motivating factor.

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