US Drug Watchdog Now Urges a Blood Test for All DePuy Pinnacle Hip Implant Recipients and They Suggest Law Firms to Help Victims of a Failure Get Compensated

The US Drug Watchdog says, "As part of our enhanced 2013 DePuy Pinnacle Metal on Metal Hip Implant Initiative we want all recipients to get a blood test for cobalt, or chromium levels in their blood stream, and we want them to call us at 866-714-6466, for the names of the best possible attorneys if the metal levels are elevated."

(PRWEB) January 08, 2013
The US Drug Watchdog says, "We are going to dramatically increase our public awareness campaign for recipients of a DePuy Pinnacle metal on metal hip implant in 2013. We are now urging all DePuy Pinnacle metal on metal hip implant recipients to have a simple blood test to see if they have elevated levels of cobalt, or chromium in their blood. If the cobalt, or chromium levels are elevated please call us immediately, and we will do our best to get you to the best possible attorneys." According to court records about 140,000 US citizens are recipients of a DePuy Pinnacle all metal hip implant. For more information about the DePuy Pinnacle hip implant, and or issues related to metal on metal hip implants please call the US Drug Watchdog at 866-714-6466, or contact the group via their web site at
According to the US Drug Watchdog, "Symptoms of a DePuy Pinnacle metal on metal hip implant failure include pain, problems walking, swelling of the hip, lack of flexibility. Again, we believe elevated levels of cobalt, or chromium in the recipients blood, are the best indicator for a failed metal on metal hip implant." http://USDRugWatchdog.Com
The US Drug Watchdog is the premier medical device, and pharmaceutical watchdog, and advocate in the United States. The group says, "We want to make certain all metal-on-metal DePuy Pinnacle hip implant victims get to the actual trial law firms, or attorneys, that have the best record in achieving superior results for their clients, in these types of medical device lawsuits. Because compensation is vital, we think having the best, or most capable national caliber personal injury law firm is always the best choice." For more information please contact the US Drug Watchdog anytime at 866-714-6466.

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US Drug Watchdog Now Urges a Blood Test for All DePuy Pinnacle Hip Implant Recipients and They Suggest Law Firms to Help Victims of a Failure Get Compensated
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US Drug Watchdog Now Urges a Blood Test for All DePuy Pinnacle Hip Implant Recipients and They Suggest Law Firms to Help Victims of a Failure Get Compensated